Using Sulfert 8 on Canola

Fertilizer guidelines are influenced by numerous variables including crop type, production methods, crop rotation, soil texture, rainfall, and crop production potential. The following guidelines are approximations based on the amount of N and S removed when the crop is harvested only. Fertplan assumes no responsibility or liability for the information supplied.



Sulphur Requirement

Sulfert 8 Application

15 – 20 kg S per ton of grain

188 – 250 kg per ton of grain

Nitrogen Requirement

Sulfert 8 Application

60 – 80 kg N ha-1 *

700 – 1000 kg ha-1


Canola has a high Sulphur requirement - Sulphur availability should be roughly 1 kg of sulphur to 4 kg nitrogen, Canola is particularly responsive to sulphur.1

Liquid fertilizers such as Sulfert 8 are commonly used in no till, banded applications in the Western Cape, South Africa. 

 20 – 25 kg N ha-1 is applied at startup, with the remainder as a topdressing.

A sulphur deficiency can be observed when leaves redden along their edges and become concave in shape.  In addition, the youngest leaves change colour from light green to yellow and their veins darken.

* Assuming a 1 ton ha-1 target yield

1The Fertilizer Society of South Africa, Fertilizer Handbook 2003 , 5th revised edition.
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